35 Amazing Uses of Coconut Oil (Part 1)

Coconut Oil is one of the most useful oils from mother nature, especially for mother and baby.  You may know that coconut oil is an anti-bacterial anti-fungus, anti-inflammatory, but there are so many more uses.  Coconut Oil has been scientifically studied and found to be one of the most effective natural treatments for the body.

Want to know more?  Read on below …

List of Benefits and Uses of Coconut Oil …
1.  Softens the hair and skin.  Brush some coconut oil into the hair after a shower.
2.  Useful as a mouth cleanser.  Simply apply a little on your toothbrush and gently brush on the teeth.
3.  Good for eczema as it softens the skin.  Lightly massage into the skin.
4.  For newborns, coconut oil can be used to reduce cradle cap on the baby’s head.  Brush some coconut oil and let it absorb into the scalp.  Use a gentle brush to slowly clean the baby’s head.
5.  Useful in caring for redness or rashes on the baby’s cheeks.
6.  Reduces itching where mosquitoes or insects have bitten you.  Effective on both adult and baby.
7.  Can be used to soften the lips and prevent dry, sore lips.
8.  Great to use on toys to clean and disinfect, especially for when babies chew on the toys – good for their gums.

Stay tuned for more of the benefits of Coconut Oil in future mail outs.  Or come in store and visit our friendly staff who can show you the variety of products that contain Coconut Oil.