Amazing Uses of Coconut Oil (Part 2)

List of Benefits and Uses of Coconut Oil (Part 2) …
9.  Natural Makeup Remover – just a teaspoon massaged onto the skin will remove your make-up.  Then rinse with warm water.
10.  Natural Go-Anywhere Refreshener – melt a small amount of oil in a microwave container and then lay cotton buds in the oil, leaving overnight.  Store in a small zip-lock bag – easy makeup remover that can be taken to the beach, gym, carried in handbag, etc.
11.  Under Eye Softener – Just rub a little warm oil between fingers and pat underneath your eyes to soften the skin and rejuvenate tired and sore eyes.
12.  Cuticle Softener – apply to nails and allow to sink in, it will soften, but also builds up the strength of your nails.
13.  Completely Natural Moisturiser – apply directly to the skin after a shower to hydrate and moisturise the skin all over.
14.  Hair Mask – melt coconut oil under the shower after shampooing.  Apply oil to wet hair and let sit for 5 minutes before rinsing to add shine back to the hair.
15.  Kills Lice – most head lice products are highly toxic and burn and damage the hair.  Coconut oil slowly suffocates lice and prevents their eggs hanging onto the hair shafts.

Stay tuned for more of the benefits of Coconut Oil in future mail outs.  Or come in store and visit our friendly staff who can show you the variety of products that contain Coconut Oil.