Amazing Uses of Coconut Oil (Part 3)

List of Benefits and Uses of Coconut Oil (Part 3) …
16. Deodorant – most effective when mixed with cornstarch or arrowroot powder and baking soda.

17.  Healing – use a thin layer to help protect wounds from outside dust and bacteria.

18.  Pre-shave balm – use it before shaving to prepare the skin before the damage caused by shaving.

19.  Skin Conditions – Virgin Coconut oil helps to relieve skin issues like eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.  Use under medical advice.

20.  Stretch Marks – soak or massage into the skin to nourish damaged skin.

21.  Swimmer’s Ear – make a mixture of garlic and coconut oil and put a few drops in the ear for 10 minutes, repeat 2-3 times a day.

22.  Bones & Teeth – Virgin Coconut oil aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium which leads to better development of teeth and bones.

23.  Insulin Support – it improves utilisation of blood glucose and insulin secretion, good for diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

24.  Fitness – it stimulates metabolism, improving the function of the thyroid, escalating energy levels, decreasing unwanted fat and increasing muscle.

25.  Digestion – aid in controlling parasites and fungi caused by indigestion and other issues related to digestion like irritable bowl syndrome.  It also improves the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.